These rules and regulations apply to all age groups for both league play and tournament play. Refer to the age specific section for rules and regulations that apply to only that age.

TYBA SANCTIONING: There will be a sanction fee charged for each team that competes in TYBA sanctioned events or league play.

It is the Tennessee State Law that TYBA and any/all youth sports must comply with the Tennessee Code Annotated Section 68-55-503 relative to youth sports. For more information go on-line to and watch the video and then you can print off your certificate and more information about concussions.



A. Sanctioned Rec League Division: Rosters will be sent to each sanctioned league to complete and return before league play begins. (on or before April 12 or before teams 1st game.). In order to be eligible to play in a TYBA sanctioned league tournament, the team must play in a TYBA sanctioned league, and play in 66 2/3 of scheduled league games, and the roster turned in by April 12 or before teams 1st game.

B. State Rosters: A roster will be sent to each sanctioned team to complete and return before state tournament play begins.

Birth Certificates: Coaches must have a copy of the birth certificate of every player on their roster. Hospital/Bible records or legal documents will be accepted. Any attempt to alter birth certificates will result in disbarment of coaches.

Notarized Medical Release Form: Every Coach must have a Notarized Medical Release Form for every player, with them at all times. This form must be filled out by the parent and they must have it notarized. This has to be done every year,

Insurance: Each team will be responsible for their own team insurance. Proof of insurance will be required to play in a TYBA sanctioned event. This includes medical and liability. If a team has no insurance, they may purchase through TYBA. The policy is in effect for 1 year, March 1- February 29.

Eligibility of Players: Players may play up in any division, but they cannot play down. All age divisions allow for both male and female players except the girls softball divisions. Refer to specific age section for age eligibility and birthdate cutoffs.

LEAGUE PLAY ** If you are not going to have enough players to play a game and you as Head Coach know this in advance — A 24 HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED– Contact your League President and discuss your situation and there is a possibility to reschedule your game.

( Except Tournament Play ). If your team shows up to a game and you do not have enough players to play and the game time is called it will result in a Forfeit.

If you know you are not going to have enough players to play the game and need to pick up a 1 player or 2 players you MUST pull players from a age division lower then your age group you are playing in — example : You coach 11 & 12 you must get players from 9 & 10 year old division — You CAN NOT get players from other teams in same age group or borrow players from the team you are playing – Nor can you pull players from the stands that is there watching the game, Nor can you pull from another community team. — That is not a legal game!! — FORFEIT is result of game !!

COACH – PITCH DIVISIONS consist of ( 10 ) players can play with ( 9 ) and take an out each time.

KID – PITCH & SOFTBALL DIVISIONS consist of ( 9 ) players can play with ( 8 )

A team must finish the game with the same number of players that they started the game with. Penalty will be forfeiture of the game.

Time Limits: Refer to each age division for time limits for both league and tournament play.

Tournament Run Rule is in affect: When it is Mathematically impossible to win the game, the game will be called.

15 runs after 2

12 runs after 3

10 runs after 4



All players and coaches will be expected to behave in a sportsman like manner at all times. Any player, coach, or parent/fan whose conduct is unbecoming or abusive will at minimum be warned and may be removed from the playing field, stands, or ballpark at the discretion of the tournament officials or umpires. Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Cursing or throwing equipment will be an automatic ejection. This includes a team forfeiting or being removed from the tournament or league play if necessary. Criminal activity will be handled accordingly.


These games are being played according to the rules of the Tennessee Youth Baseball Association. TYBA rules provide for fair competition among players. Our athletes recognize that judgment calls are made in good faith and that they must abide by the decisions of the official. Spectators are important in this process, too. Fans can help promote good sportsmanship by observing the rules of fair play. Each fan is requested to take personal responsibility for keeping this game at a high level of sportsmanship. Spectators can support their favorite team by refraining from derogatory remarks or cheers. Good sportsmanship is one of the primary purposes of these fine athletics. TYBA hopes you will enjoy this game and support your athletes and your team in a positive and sportsmanlike manner.


Bat: All bats should not exceed 33″length or 3 1/8″in diameter. Bats must be stamped BPF 1.15 or be on the USSSA approved bat list. Bats that do not meet these specifications will be removed from the game. Umpires may check bats prior to and/or during play in both league and tournament games. The head coach is responsible for making sure all his players have/use legal bats. BBCOR applies only to 13/18 age and is optional for 11/12.

T.Y.B.A. has adopted to go by the USSSA BASEBALL Bat Rules — please visit this website for all banded bats information.



All bats should not exceed 33”in length or 3 1/8 in diameter. Bats must either be stamped BPF 1.15 or be on the USSSA approved bat list. Umpires may check bats prior to and/of during the game during league or tournament play. The head coach is responsible for his players using legal bats. BBCOR applies to 13/18 only and is optional for 11/12
This decision is based on player safety. Any questions can be directed to Joe Tenpenny if needed. Please see attachments for more information to return and see what the bat looks like. UMPIRES WILL BE CHECKING THE BATS !

Joe Tenpenny

Illegal Bat: Any bat that does not meet the above specifications or is altered or damaged. If a bat is found to be damaged, league officials should document and report to UIC. If the same bat is found again, the coach will be ejected. This decision is to be decided by league officials and UIC.

Balls: An approved college level ball must be used for all games. Vision impaired players can use an approved baseball or softball of a different color.

Uniforms: All players on a team must wear numbered uniform shirts that are alike in color. Players of the same team may not wear the same number. Exceptions in the event of an accident or blood rule, a shirt may be taped or a different shirt worn at the discretion of the umpire. Teams may wear shorts or pants. TOURNAMENT ONLY: uniforms will be at the discretion of Tournament Director.

Hats: Hats are optional at the discretion of the player. If a hat is worn, it must be worn properly. No backwards or sideways hats are allowed. Visors are acceptable. Hats may not be thrown at the ball during play on the field.

Jewelry: Jewelry is not allowed. This includes necklaces, bracelets, earrings or any other item deemed harmful by the umpire. Medical alert devices are not considered jewelry.

Gloves: Players may use any regulation size glove in any position of play. Gloves may not be thrown at the ball on the playing field during play.

Helmets: Helmets are required for all batters, base-runners, on deck players and batboy or batgirl, and any base coaches under the age of 18. Face shields are not required, but are highly recommended.

Cleats: Cleats are not required but may be worn by all players. No metal or screw-in hard plastic cleats are allowed. Exception:13/18 Baseball and 18 U Girls softball are allowed to use metal cleats.

Misc Equipment: All equipment must meet safety standards. Equipment such as ball buckets, stools, and warm up-equipment is not allowed on the playing field once the game begins. If any equipment causes interference or obstruction in play, the runners can be advanced or called out. Exception is a bat weight which can be left in the on- deck circle during play but will cause a dead ball situation if hit by a live ball.

Catcher: Must wear a helmet with a mask and throat protector permanently attached, chest protector and shin guards.

Safety Base: Safety bases with the orange base are allowed to be used if they are present on the fields. They are not mandatory equipment.

Scorebooks: ALL teams must have a score book at each game. The book should be signed by umpires after each game in order to make it an official game.

Solid white, heavy duty molded



Solid white rubber with black beveled edges for safety


Solid white molded rubber


American Disability Act Rule:

A. This rule may be used for a physically challenged player as determined by the American Disabilities Act of July 25, 1990. As a result of the player’s disability, he can play either offense or defense.

B. This player has the same re-entry status as any other player.

C. This player could be assisted by a coach at bat and base running, without any interference with the defense. Players that fall into the ADA category cannot be negotiable between coaches. They cannot be used as an advantage! ie: ADHD. Presidents will receive a form to be filled out by the parent on each child that has a Disability and it will be turned in to TYBA to have on file.

D. This player can be assisted with a coach on the field. The coach can only assist this player and not other players. Note: This special rule has been adopted by TYBA to accommodate the athlete that is physically challenged. This intent is not to change the game, nor to deprive any player from playing.

Presidents will receive a form to be filled out by the parent on each child that has a Disability, and it will be turned into TYBA to have on file.

Blood Rule: A player, coach, or umpire that is bleeding or has blood on his uniform shall be prohibited from further participation in the game until the appropriate action is taken. A reasonable amount of time shall be allotted. The umpire will determine if and when a player or coach shall re-enter the game.

Child Abuse Prohibition:
All forms of sports abuse contained in this program such as sexual, physical, verbal and emotional abuse are prohibited.
Furthermore, no league volunteer will be allowed to participate if they have been convicted of an assault, molestation, indecency with a minor, athlete abuse etc.
Sudden shifts in behavior or attitudes when outgoing child suddenly builds a protected, closed wall or a generally happy child becomes aggressive and angry can show up as losing interest or wanting to drop out of sports or a sudden decline in ability or functions.


These rules & regulations apply to all age groups for both league play & tournament play. Refer to the age specific section for the rules & regulations that apply to only that age.

Time: The term used by the umpire to order suspension of play.

Injury Time Out: Time suspended for injury will not be considered game time. An umpire calling an injury time out will not be considered a charged conference to either team.

Delay of Game: Any intentional delay of the game will result in a warning being issued to the head coach at the discretion of the umpire. The next infraction will result in the ejection of the head coach for the remainder of the game. Game time may be adjusted at the umpire’s discretion.

Interference: A live ball that touches equipment, players or coaches outside of the dugout area, will result in the ball being declared dead with the exception of players of the offensive team being in the on deck circle. If the equipment or player is on the offensive side, the lead runner will be called out. If the equipment or player is on the defensive side, all runners will be awarded the base he occupies plus one extra base. Exception: If live ball hits a coach that is in the coach’s box and he does not interfere, the ball is considered live. If the player in the on-deck circle deliberately interferes with the ball (ie: picks up the ball) it will be considered interference.

Head Coach: The head coach must have control of his players, assistant coaches, parents and fans at all times. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Air Horns, bull horns, drums and the like are not permitted.

Coaches: Each team will be limited to 4 coaches in the dugout. Head Coach and 3 assistants for coach-pitch and Head Coach and 2 assistants for player-pitch. The coaches on defense must remain in the immediate vicinity of the dugout. Offensive coaches must be in their designated coach boxes. Coaches that leave the dugout to go outside to coach may not be allowed to return to the playing field. All questions or conferences with the umpire must be made by the head coach, or in his absence, acting head coach. All other coaches must remain in the dugout. You must be granted a timeout by the head umpire prior to going into the field of play. Any coach or any other person that has not been granted time out before coming into the field of play will be ejected from the game.

Coach Ejection:

A. League Play: Any coach ejected from the game must leave the park for the remainder of the game. He will not be allowed to coach the team’s next game but may sit in the stands as a spectator. If a coach is ejected after completion of the game, he will not be allowed to coach in the next 2 games. A coach that has been ejected from games on 2 different occasions in a season must appeal to the league officials to continue to coach. Disciplinary Form for said Coach will be filled out.

B. Tournament Play: Any coach ejected from the game must leave the game and be escorted by a tournament official to a designated area for the remainder of the game. If proper behavior is displayed at the end of the game, the coach may be allowed to return to their next game. This decision is made by a Tournament Director.


Helmets: Every offensive player that is on the field must wear a batting helmet for safety reasons. This also applies to anyone on the field under 18 years of age. Removal of Helmet: Unintentional: If helmet accidentally falls off, the play can continue until runners are stopped or play is dead. Intentional removal of a helmet by a base runner results in dead ball and all runners return to last base occupied. At the discretion of the Umpire: The umpire will issue a warning to player involved and notify head coach and official scorekeeper and a second violation will result in the player being called out. Any player that throws a helmet or bat can be subject to ejection.

Base Runner:

A. A base runner must touch bases in order. If a base is missed, the runner must touch bases in reverse order. Head coach must appeal to home plate umpire regarding a player missing the base. If runner is deemed to have missed the base, runner is out.

B. A base runner must tag the base before leaving on a fly ball after the fielder touches the ball. Runners can advance on legally caught foul ball, but must tag the base before leaving.

C. A base runner must stay within an imaginary 3 ft. direct path from one base to another, only in the case of a forced tag, or during a run down.

D. No two base runners can occupy the same base at the same time. The lead runner will be entitled to the base. The other base runner can be put out by being touched with the ball.

E. A base runner will be called out if he passes the lead runner before that runner has been put out. NO PASSING. This is considered a dead ball and everyone must return to base.

F. A base runner will be called out if hit by a batted ball before the ball passes an infielder, with the exception of the player-pitcher.

G. No one may intentionally touch the base runner as long as the ball is in play. The penalty is the base runner touched will be called out. Exception: An out of the park home run is not a ball in play, the runner will not be called out if touched by the coach prior to crossing home plate.

Appeal Play: An appeal play is a play on which an umpire may not make a decision until requested by a head coach. The appeal may not be made after any one of the following has occurred:

A. A legal pitch.

B. The pitcher and all infielders have left fair territory.

C. The umpires have left the field of play. Note: The proper procedure for an appeal play: After time is called, the head coach must notify the home plate umpire that he is appealing the play and state the infraction. The home plate umpire will make a decision at that time.

Defensive Team: The ball will be declared dead if it enters the dugout or is thrown out of the playing field. The penalty for this is the runners will be awarded the bases occupied plus one extra base if thrown by an infielder, but will be awarded the bases occupied plus two extra bases if thrown by an outfielder.

Slide Rule: There is not a mandatory slide rule. Players are encouraged to slide or avoid contact with another player. Normal baseball contact will be allowed at the discretion of the umpire. Any apparent flagrant (ie: intentionally trying to harm player) act by a player or coach will result in the player being called out. The player and/or coach may be ejected from the game at the umpire’s discretion.

Interference: The act of an offensive player or spectator that impedes, hinders or confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. Penalty for this act is the lead runner will be called out.

Obstruction: The act of obstruction is:

A. A catcher which hinders or prevents a batter from striking at or hitting a pitched ball. If this happens, the offensive head coach has the choice of taking the play or batter being awarded 1st base.

B. A fielder that is not in possession of the ball,(ie: fake tag) in the act of fielding a batted ball, or about to receive a thrown ball, which impedes the progress of the base runner. Bases will be awarded per umpire discretion.



A. Knowingly competing in league or tournaments with an altered birth certificate or playing with or under an assumed name.

B. Any physical attack on any umpire, coach or other acting official during or following a game.

C. Anyone involved in fighting, poor sportsmanship, abusive or condescending acts, or any other unbecoming or criminal behavior will not be tolerated. Length of disbarment will be determined by TYBA and league officials based on severity of the infraction. Criminal acts can be prosecuted.


Regulation Game: A regulation game will consist of 6 innings. A regulation game may not end with a tie. Extra innings will be played as needed to determine the winner. If the game is tied at the end of 6 innings or time has expired the International Tie Breaker Rule will apply. Starting with the top of the 7th inning or the top of the inning after the time has expired, the offensive team will begin with the player who made the last out in the previous inning being placed on 2nd base. If an 8th inning is required, runners will be placed on 2nd and 3rd base. The 9th inning runners will be placed on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd until a winner is determined. The base runner can be substituted for in accordance with the substitution rules. If an incorrect runner is placed on the base, this error should be corrected immediately. There is no penalty.

Called Game: The game will be called when it is numerically impossible for the losing team to win or tie, or time expires. A. Time is called after the completion of a full inning. The time will start for the next inning as soon as the 3rd out of the previous inning is made.

Time is called after the completion of a full inning. The time will start for the next inning as soon as the 3rd out of the previous inning is made.

Fair/Foul Ball:

A. Fair Ball: If ball touches 1st or 3rd base, no matter where the ball lands.

B. Fair Ball: If ball passes 1st or 3rd base in the air and lands in fair territory.

C. Fair or Foul: will be declared on a rolling ball that quits rolling before getting to the base. On or inside chalk line is fair.

D. Foul Ball: If the ball passes 1st or 3rd base in the air but lands in foul territory.

Foul Tip: A foul tip is a batted ball which goes directly from the bat not higher than the batter’s head, to the catcher’s hands, and is legally caught by the catcher. An out will be called on the foul tip only on the third strike. Legal catch will be defined as maintaining control of the ball before it touches the ground or other object. (ie:) fence, bat etc. A caught foul tip 3rd strike is a live ball; if runners are on base, they can advance at their own risk.

Batter: A batter will be called out if he does not make contact with the ball on the third swing.

Chatter Rule: Players may chatter and even say the word “swing”. Players may not be derogatory toward the batter. Air horns, Bull Horns, Drums and the like are not permitted.


Player: Any tardy player arriving after the first pitch of a game must be used as a substitute.

Exceptions: continuous batting order is in effect. State Tournament Line-up rules apply. Any player that is not listed as a starter or substitute on the line-up prior to coin toss for a tournament game cannot be added for that game nor may he enter that game for any reason. He is an ineligible player for that game.

Batting Order: The batting order is the official listing of offensive players in the order in which they must come to bat. The line-up card shall include the full name and uniform number for each player prior to submission to the umpire/official scorekeeper.

A. Player cannot change position in the batting order at any time, player may change defensive position at any time on the field. Exception is a courtesy player.

B. Once a substitute enters the game and leaves, he must re-enter the game in the same spot in the batting order as previously occupied.

Batting out of Order: Except for a wrong batter at bat, batting out of order is an appeal play which may be made only by the defensive team. The defensive team forfeits it’s right to appeal batting out of order when one legal pitch has been made to the following batter, or when the pitcher and all infielders have clearly vacated their normal fielding positions and have left fair territory on their way to dugout.

A. If the error is discovered while the incorrect batter is at bat, the correct batter may take the batter’s position and legally assume any balls and strikes. Any runs scored or bases run while the incorrect batter was at bat shall be legal. The offensive team may correct a wrong batter at the plate with no penalty.

B. If the error is discovered after the incorrect batter has completed a turn at bat and before a legal or illegal pitch has been made to the following batter or before the pitcher and all infielders have clearly vacated their normal fielding positions and have left fair territory on their way to the dugout:

1. The player who should have batted is out. (batting position)

2. Any advance or score made because of a ball batted by the improper batter or because of the improper batter’s advance to 1st base as a result of obstruction, base hit should be nullified.

3. The next batter is the player whose name follows that of the player called out for failing to bat.

4. If the batter declared out under these circumstances is the third out; the correct batter in the next inning shall be the player who would have come to bat had the player been put out by ordinary play.

C. If the error is discovered after the first legal pitch to the next batter, or after the pitcher and all infielders have vacated their normal fielding positions and have left fair territory on their way to the dugout, the turn at bat of the incorrect batter is legal, all runs scored and bases run are legal and the next batter in order shall be the one whose name follows that of the incorrect batter. No one is called out for failure to bat. Players who have not batted and who have not been called out have lost their turn at bat until reached again in the regular order. No runner shall be removed from the base occupied except the batter runner who has been taken off the base by the umpire as in B. above to bat in his proper place. The correct batter merely misses the turn at bat with no penalty. The batter following the correct batter in the batting order becomes the legal batter.

Note: In Tournament play, the official scorekeeper will notify umpire if the incorrect batter is at the plate!

Illegal Substitute: A player (offensive or defensive) that has entered the game without being reported to the head umpire. Applies to player-pitch only, as coach- pitch is continuous .

Courtesy Player: A player that may enter the game only in the case of an injured player. The courtesy player will not be required to be used a substitute until the injured player’s next turn at bat. At this point the courtesy player becomes a substitute or the injured player returns to the line-up. The head umpire will note a courtesy player. NOTE: This rule is written for the benefit of the players that do not get the opportunity to start a game. If a player is forced to be a substitute for a slightly injured player (blood rule, etc), they would be replaced in the line-up as soon as possible. This could render them ineligible for the balance of the game, other than returning for the injured player. This rule will allow the coaches to play them later, and allow more playing time.

Ejected Player Rule:

A. If a team has 10 or more players(Player-Pitch and Girls Softball), and has substituted all eligible players and a player is ejected from the game, the opposing coach will be notified and will designate the player that will re-enter the game only to replace the ejected player.

B. If a team has only 10 players (coach-pitch) 9 players (player-pitch and girls softball) and a player is ejected from the game for any reason, the team will forfeit the game.


A. The batter must be completely in the lines of the batter’s box when they make contact with the ball. If contact is made when the batter is outside the batter’s box in any way, the batter is out.

B. Slinging of the bat will be at the discretion of the umpire. Penalty: An out can be called.

C. A team must finish the game with the same number of players in the line-up that started the game. The penalty for this is forfeiture of the game. Exceptions to this rule are injured players and players that become ill. If a player is ejected and no substitute is available, forfeiture will occur.

Impeding Baserunner: No player on Defense can Impede a Baserunner at any time. If Baserunner is forced out or tagged out, after being impeded the baserunner will receive safe passage to next base.
If Baserunner after being impeded touches the next base and continue on, baserunner will be at their own risk and then can be called out if tagged out. Umpire should give the right indication of impeding baserunner at the time of occurrence.


Protest: No protest will be considered if it is based on a decision of judgment by the umpire. Examples of protest that WILL NOT be considered are:

A. Fair or Foul batted ball

B. A base runner that was safe or out.

C. A base runner leaving too early on a foul ball.

D. If a base runner did or did not touch a base.

E. Whether there was obstruction or interference.

F. Whether the field is fit to continue or resume play.

Protests that WILL be considered:

A. Failure of an umpire to apply the correct rule to a given situation.

B. Misinterpretation of a playing rule.

C. Failure to impose the correct penalty for a given violation.

Protests During Game: Intent to protest must be made before umpires leave the field during Tournament play. A protest during a game must be made before the next pitch. The head coach or acting head coach must notify the umpire that the game is being played under protest.

Written Protest: League Play- The official written protest must be filed within a reasonable amount of time: Within 48 hours after the time of contest. An official written protest must contain the following:

A. Date, time and place of the game

B. Names of the umpires and scorekeepers

C. The section and rule from the official rules under which the protest is made

D. The decision and conditions surrounding the making of the decision

E. All essential facts involved in the matter Protest matters will be handled by league and/or community officials.

Birth Certificate Protest: There will be a $25.00 fee for the protest of each birth certificate. Tournament Protest: An Official protest during a TYBA tournament must be accompanied with a $250.00 protest fee. If protest is denied the fee is Non Refundable. If the protest is awarded the fee is Refunded.

Rec League Protest: An Official protest fee for Rec League is $100.00 and is non refundable if protest is denied, or refunded if awarded.

Leagues: make sure all RAIN-OUTS or rescheduled games are done with the Umpire-in-chief. Coaches are not to contact other coaches to schedule games. Only League Presidents have this authority.

National Weather Service Alerts should be monitored.

When cloud to ground lightening is observed, play should be suspended immediately. All personnel should evacuate the field for safety purposes.

15 minute rule. Once play has been suspended, wait at least 15 minutes after the last flash of lightening before resuming play. Any subsequent lightening flash resets the clock and another 15 minute delay should begin.

This policy is in place for the safety of all people involved in the game as players, coaches, spectators and officials.

Before the game starts the weather policy is decided by the league officials at the field that the game is to be played. After play has begun, the weather policy is the decision of the umpires on the field for that game.

TYBA Tournament play will be decided by Tournament Directors and could utilize a 30 minute delay.

Rainout games have to be rescheduled by the League Presidents by the end of the week of rainout. Rescheduled game times are final or it’s considered a forfeit.


Coaches should be aware that they have a tremendous influence, good or bad, on the development of their players and their character.

Coaches should strive to set good examples of ethical and moral conduct.

Coaches should make a concerted effort to know and understand the rules of the game and teach them to their players.

Coaches should use his or her influence to improve the sportsmanship of their players, assistant coaches, parents and spectators.

Coaches should respect and support officials and their decisions. Coaches should not try to incite players, parents or spectators against the officials.

The role of the head coach is to be the only coach responsible for communication with umpires. It is not the rule of anyone else to dispute, question, or challenge the authority of the umpire. It is also the coach’s responsibility to control unsportsmanlike conduct outside the field of play to prevent them from escalating.

Count Players on the field-each inning 10 Coach – Pitch & 9 Kid – Pitch Baseball & Fast-Pitch Softball


Joe Tenpenny UIC 615-293-8377

Arrive Early/Dressed Properly in TYBA Official Dress Code

Meet Your Partner

Report to see which field you need to be on

Discuss what each other are going to do; 1 on First Base Side and 1 Behind Home Plate.

Inspect all Equipment=Balls, Helmets, & Bats-Ages 5-12 will have to use a BPF 1.15 bat, softball a 1.20 BPF, 13-18 baseball is BB Cor

Inspect Field-nothing should be on Fields-drags, buckets, equipment.

Call Coaches to Home Plate

Introduce yourself-Partner-Each Coach

Ask for Questions-Go over everything in 2 minutes

Be courteous at all times

Know where ALL scorekeepers are

Give game time clearly to Both Sides-know your game time

KNOW ALL THE RULES-Including the American with Disability Act Rule, and the Concussion Rules

Take your positions


Play Ball – say it loudly

Make Calls LOUD and CLEAR

Give proper signals

Everyone Hustle all the Time/umpires Trail Runners

Know when to call TIME


Stop Clock, Position Runners


Keep game fully under control at all times

Keep Hands off Players and Coaches


Please feel free to contact us via-email at or call the office at 615-319-8508